Friday, December 12, 2008

O Come all Ye Faithful!

I was so excited to have lunch with my mom and Steph on Thursday. Steph seemed to be feeling much better. We enjoyed a quiet lunch at San Francisco Oven and discussed what we will be getting our big strong men for Christmas. (Besides our undying love of course.) Mom and Steph had just returned from taking Drew to the doctor. I wish I could say that it was just for his flu shot. But it wasn't. As he likes to say, "I am having potty issues." They are did a renal ultrasound on him yesterday. They are supposed to call Steph next week with the results. Please pray that this is nothing. Because....really? I keep telling myself that God never gives us more than we can handle. I know this is true. But is it possible that God may have overestimated us a little here? Just wondering.

Today I was very excited to hear that Steph's spirits seem to be much better. It is so hard in the world of cancer to stay positive. We are surrounded by it. But everyday, we make a choice. Are we going to let fear get the best of us? Some days, yes. It happens. We are only human. But most days, we choose to put our faith in God and trust in His divine plan.

Tomorrow we would like to invite ALL of our readers to Riverbluff Fellowship to enjoy a morning of worship. My parents will be picking up the Phillips family and bringing them to church. They will all leave from there to head to Houston. Steph will be rescanned and we will have a better idea of how the chemo is working this time around. I can't think of a better way to send them off than a morning with Pastor Scott Watson and the rest of our Riverbluff family. So please join us at 10:00 am at Riverbluff Fellowship. They can be found at the corner of Evans and Thetford Roads in Ozark, Missouri, just West of US Highway 65. Take the Evans Road exit. Come early for coffee and donuts! I hesitated to post this because I know there are crazy people out there who stalk blogs and steal kids. But, I'm going to trust that the Lord will keep us safe. And if you are a crazy stalker who wants to steal my kids, please just sit through the service first and I can almost guarantee that you will leave a changed no need to steal the children. PLEASE PLEASE join us! Then, if you REALLY want to church it up tomorrow, you can head across the highway to James River and catch the 11:30 Christmas service. It's the place to be if you like Christmas music and worship! Please just consider coming tomorrow to RBF. Does it sound like I'm begging? Well I am. Just do it. Now I'm being bossy. I come by that honest, just ask Steph!


I'm praying with all my might sister.



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