Monday, November 1, 2010


I was nervous about Halloween this year. This would be the first year we have ever trick-or-treated without Steph. For five years, we dressed our babies up in silly costumes and took as many pictures as we could considering our wiggly subjects. Three years we were at our old house, two years we were at Nanny and Papa's and last year we were at our new house. It's another first for us, and let me tell you...they haven't been easy. So the "grownups" decided we would dress up this year. I was SO glad we did. We had a great time and it really took the focus off of what was missing and shifted it towards making more memories. She loved our chaos. She loved that she was always a part of it. She would love that all three of her boys are still a part of it. I can just see her rolling her eyes and telling us all we are "such dorks." So here we are:
Jarad the Vampire
Ashley the Witch
Brian the Werewolf
Cohen the Cowboy
Me the Queen of Hearts
Claire as Yoshi
Levi as Obi-Wan Kenobi
Scot as Darth Vader
Drew as Luke Skywalker
Livi the Littlest Witch
Chandler as Thomas the Train
Grandma Edna as Grandma Edna holding Chandler because he was terrified of Scot and Brian
Carsten the Elephant
Jackie as Jackie holding Carsten because he was a little freaked out too!

From Steph Won.

From Steph Won.

We hope you all had a fun time this weekend. We did...and I'm still washing the red spray out of my hair!!!
From Steph Won.

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